The Online Trip Planner gives you step-by-step directions to get to your destination using SCTD buses - as well as other regional transit services like TriMet, Canby Area Transit (CAT), and the CCC Xpress Shuttle.
* 7/1/25 Heintz Road Bus Stop Changes * 7/1/25 New Route Schedule Changes Coming
* Get your 2025 BUS PASS! Please call ahead for office availability
* Riding the bus is now easier in Clackamas County! Check out for real-time bus tracking, trip planning, & connections between the County’s 6 bus systems. More information
The Online Trip Planner gives you step-by-step directions to get to your destination using SCTD buses - as well as other regional transit services like TriMet, Canby Area Transit (CAT), and the CCC Xpress Shuttle.
Accessible Buses
SCTD now has our first low-floor vehicle in transit service on the Molalla City Bus. Drivers can “kneel” the bus or deploy a ramp so there are no steps to climb, making it easier for elderly passengers and folks with more limited mobility to get on and off.
Bike and Ride
All SCTD buses are equipped with bike racks that hold either one or two bikes. The bike racks are safe and easy to use. Please ask the driver if you have questions.
It is the responsibility of bike owners to load their own bikes.
Electric Car Charging
The SCTD Park & Ride lot at the District Office offers a blink EV charging station for use while riding transit. For more information about the blink EV charging network, visit them at
New Bus Stop Signs
You may have noticed that all of our bus routes now have updated signs.
The City Bus route still operates as a "flag stop" route (a rider can ‘flag’ the bus to stop at any safe location).
SCTD wants your ride to be a smooth one. Observing the following tips will help make your transit experience enjoyable for everyone:
Our Trip Planner gives you step-by-step directions to get to your destination using SCTD buses, as well as other regional transit services.
Please plan to arrive at your stop 5 minutes before the scheduled time.
The Molalla City Bus is fareless.
$1 each way for commuter routes serving CCC and Canby. SCTD accepts only U.S. one-dollar bills and SCTD tickets. Have your fare ready prior to boarding. Children 6 and under ride free.
You are required to move from the priority seating area for seniors and people with disabilities.
Carry-on bags and gear must be kept clear of all walkways. Storage boxes are provided at the front or rear of the bus for your convenience.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at 503-829-7000 or
District Manager or
Transit Program Coordinator
TTY: 7-1-1 or 1-800-735-2900
Voice: 7-1-1 or 1-800-735-1232
Español: Relay: 7-1-1 or 1-800-735-3896
Email: District Manager
Email: Transit Program Coordinator