Image of person in wheelchair

All SCTD buses are accessible and come equipped with wheelchair lifts. Equal access for all is extremely important to us.

Our drivers announce time point bus stops. Priority seating is provided on buses for seniors and people with disabilities.

Drivers are trained to assist customers and to secure mobility devices to ensure a safe ride for all passengers.


* ADA Policy and Procedures

* ADA Complaint Form

* Reasonable Modification Policy & Request Form

The South Clackamas Transportation District SCTD Public Transit System operates three routes, two are commuter service routes and one operates on a deviated fixed route basis. SCTD complies with ADA requirements with respect to such services. 

Schedule Deviation

Molalla Bus service operates as a deviated fixed route open to the general public. With advance notice, the bus will deviate up to three-quarters of a mile from the designated route as shown on the printed schedule for any passenger with physical and medical needs. 

Customers can call the District Office at 503-829-7000, Monday through Friday between 7:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. on the day prior to their planned trip (24-hour advance notice required) to request a deviation.


Policy Statement:  It is the policy of South Clackamas Transportation District to comply with all the legal requirements of Federal and State laws and regulations as they pertain to individuals with disabilities.  The transit system provides quality transportation services without discrimination to all persons including individuals with disabilities.  Discrimination on the basis of disability against any person by transit system employees will not be condoned or tolerated. 

Goals:  Service is provided in a manner that meets the following goals:

1) Provide safe, accessible, and dignified services to all persons, including individuals with disabilities.

2) Expedite the safe and efficient boarding, securing, transporting and alighting of all passengers, regardless of mobility status.

3) Accommodate the wide range of mobility aids within the confines of available vehicles and commercial standard equipment.

4) Minimize potential damage to mobility aids and transit system equipment in the process.

Applicability:  This policy applies to all transit system employees, services, facilities and vehicles. It applies equally to all persons needing and/or using the services provided by the system.


Image of paper documents

All printed informational materials are made available in accessible formats upon request 503-829-7000, for example, large print for persons with low vision or audio for blind persons, as well as accessible electronic formats.

SCTD uses Oregon Relay Service for people with hearing impairments 1-800-735-2900.

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