Clackamas Community College


*  7/1/25 Heintz Road Bus Stop Changes  * 7/1/25 New Route Schedule Changes Coming

* Get your 2025 BUS PASS! Please call ahead for office availability

* Riding the bus is now easier in Clackamas County! Check out for real-time bus tracking, trip planning, & connections between the County’s 6 bus systems.  More information

Photo of E-Reader Sign

Pictured here is an “E-Reader” sign at the Ross Transit Center. This device displays the next departure times for all 4 routes departing from the Center. Additional E-Readers are located at CCC and Safeway. More coming soon.

Clackamas Community College - Weekdays

Printable Version of Schedule (Weekdays & Saturday)

Molalla Liberal Mulino Carus CCC* CCC* Carus Mulino Liberal Molalla
5:06 5:13 5:17 5:23 5:30 5:45 5:55 6:00 6:04 6:10
5:40 5:47 5:51 5:57 6:05 6:15 6:22 6:26 6:32 6:40
6:16 6:23 6:27 6:33 6:40 6:45 6:52 6:57 7:01 7:08
6:40 6:47 6:51 6:57 7:04 7:09 7:16 7:20 7:24 7:33
7:09 7:16 7:20 7:26 7:33 7:33 7:41 7:46 7:50 7:57
7:34 7:41 7:45 7:51 7:58 8:10 8:17 8:21 8:27 8:35
8:10 8:17 8:21 8:27 8:35 8:40 8:47 8:51 8:57 9:05
8:40 8:47 8:51 8:58 9:05 9:10 9:17 9:21 9:27 9:35
9:35 9:42 9:46 9:53 10:00 10:10 10:17 10:21 10:27 10:35
10:35 10:42 10:46 10:53 11:00 11:10 11:17 11:21 11:27 11:35
11:35 11:42 11:46 11:53 12:00 12:10 12:17 12:21 12:27 12:35
12:43 12:50 12:54 1:00 1:08 1:20 1:27 1:31 1:37 1:43
1:10 1:17 1:21 1:27 1:35 1:43 1:50 1:56 1:58 2:06
1:43 1:50 1:54 2:00 2:08 2:21 2:29 2:35 2:39 2:46
2:10 2:17 2:21 2:27 2:35 2:35 2:43 2:49 2:53 3:11
2:46 2:53 2:57 3:03 3:11 3:24 3:32 3:38 3:42 3:49
3:11 3:18 3:22 3:28 3:35 3:40 3:48 3:54 3:58 4:05
4:00 4:07 4:11 4:17 4:25 4:30 4:38 4:44 4:48 4:55
4:30 4:37 4:41 4:47 4:55 5:00 5:08 5:14 5:18 5:23
5:00 5:07 5:11 5:18 5:26 5:30 5:38 5:44 5:48 5:55
5:25 5:32 5:36 5:43 5:51 5:55 6:03 6:09 6:13 6:19
6:00 6:07 6:11 6:18 6:26 6:35 6:43 6:49 6:53 7:00
6:29 6:36 6:40 6:46 6:51 6:51 6:58 7:03 7:07 7:15
7:34 7:41 7:45 7:50 7:57 8:00 8:07 8:12 8:16 8:25

Clackamas Community College - Saturday

Molalla Liberal Mulino Carus CCC* CCC* Carus Mulino Liberal Molalla
7:00 7:07 7:11 7:16 7:23 7:30 7:37 7:44 7:48 7:55
8:00 8:07 8:11 8:16 8:23 8:30 8:37 8:44 8:48 8:55
9:05 9:12 9:16 9:21 9:28 9:35 9:42 9:49 9:53 10:00
10:15 10:22 10:26 10:31 10:38 10:40 10:47 10:54 10:58 11:05
11:35 11:42 11:46 11:51 11:58 12:05 12:12 12:19 12:23 12:30
12:40 12:47 12:51 12:56 1:03 1:10 1:17 1:24 1:28 1:35
1:45 1:52 1:56 2:01 2:08 2:15 2:22 2:29 2:33 2:40
2:45 2:52 2:56 3:01 3:08 3:20 3:27 3:34 3:38 3:45
4:00 4:07 4:11 4:17 4:25 4:30 4:38 4:44 4:48 4:55

*TRANSFER TO: TriMet bus lines 32, 33, 99X, and CCC Xpress Shuttle.

  NOTE: Please plan to arrive at your stop 5 minutes before the scheduled time.

Image of Clackamas Community College Route Map

Holiday Schedule

SCTD does not operate on New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day.

Inclement Weather

In the event of inclement weather (or any emergency) service may be suspended, re-routed, or reduced in frequency.

During inclement weather please check or call 503-829-7000 before your trip for schedule changes or deviations.

ADA/Accessible Buses

All SCTD buses are accessible and come equipped with wheelchair lifts. Equal access for all is extremely important to us. Our drivers announce time point bus stops.

Priority seating is provided on buses for seniors and people with disabilities. Drivers are trained to assist customers and to secure mobility devices to ensure a safe ride.

Bikes on Buses

All SCTD buses are equipped with bike racks. The bike racks are safe and easy to use and a driver will assist you if needed.


Transfer to other SCTD routes at the Ross Street Transit Center (please refer to scheduled times).*DISCLAIMER: Please plan to arrive at your stop 5-10 minutes before the scheduled time. Bus schedules are subject to unanticipated delays and can run ahead of schedule.

SCTD Routes  

SCTD operates four routes serving the City of Molalla; Clackamas Community College (CCC) – connecting to TriMet and the CCC Xpress Shuttle; and Canby – connecting to Canby Area Transit (CAT), and South Metro Area Regional Transit (SMART).

Molalla Express: 10 am to 3:55 pm, M-F

Molalla City Loop: 7:30 am to 5:40 pm, M-F

Loop & Express: 9 am to 3:25 pm, Sat

Molalla to Canby: 6:30 am to 6:15 pm, M–F

Molalla to CCC: 5 am to 8:30 pm, M–F and 7 am to 4:55 pm, Sat

Translation/Alternate Formats

Request for information in an alternate format: 503-829-7000

Translation Services: 503-829-7000

Non-Discrimination Policy

SCTD operates equal opportunity programs. For a copy of our Title VI policy, please contact us at 503-829-7000 or visit our policies and programs page.


Mike Strauch, District Manager

SCTD District Office

807 E. Main Street

PO Box 517

Molalla, OR 97038

Phone: 503-829-7000

TTY: Dial 7-1-1 or 1-800-735-2900

Voice: Dial 7-1-1 or 1-800-735-1232

Schedule Deviation

SCTD's Molalla City Bus service operates as a deviated fixed route open to the general public. With advance notice, the Molalla City bus will deviate up to three-quarters of a mile from the designated route as shown on the printed schedule for any passenger with physical and medical needs. 

Customers can call the District Office at 503-829-7000, Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on the day prior to their planned trip (24-hour advance notice required) to request a deviation.

Fare Information

The Molalla City Bus route operating within the Molalla city limits is fareless. Commuter routes serving Canby and CCC charge a regular one-way fare of $1. Children 6 and under ride free. SCTD accepts only U.S. one-dollar bills or SCTD tickets. Please have fare ready prior to boarding.

Tickets may be purchased at the SCTD District Office (807 E. Main Street, Molalla, 503-829-7000) during office hours, Mon–Fri, 7 a.m.–3 p.m.

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